7:08 PM

New music from PHZ- SICKS

YO. So I get plenty of emails of new artist, and I try and listen to everything, but once I posted my email address on twitter, facebook and myspace that I wanted to post new artist music on my blog, I lost control of my email.LOL. but i do try and listen, but I had this song below and I thought it was SUPER DUPER DOPE! U GOTTA CHECK IT OUT.. I don't know the artist or anything about them, But this is the email they sent me.


"Whaddup World,

This is PHZ-Sicks here and this is the first song I'm dropping off "Less Than Zero" mixtape. "Less Than Zero" is a movie in a mixtape that follows the up and downs of artist Kristofer Williams as he tries to find his place in the world. "Then & Now" is a song ;produced by the Swag Kids, that takes a look at the history of black women showing that oppression of them did not just stop after slavery but continues on to this day. Hope you feel it and enjoy. Peace"

PHZ-Sicks - Then & Now (Produced by Swag Kids)


Comment (1)

Thank you for the love, Winta. It truly means a lot.